Originally Posted by ColinsMum
Originally Posted by hhugh
Other than boredom in math and spelling (which has to be done as a whole class)
I just want to pick you up on this - do you mean the teacher is telling you these have to be done as a whole class, or are you just assuming it?

Thanks for your reply. That's a good question. From conversations w/ DD and her teacher, it sounds like the class all sits together and slowly (slowly, slowly...) goes over the math and spelling lessons. Whereas, in most other portions of the day, DD can do her own thing while the rest of the class does their worksheets/reading/centers, etc. So DD is actually getting some individualized "work", but not "instruction" ie she gets harder spelling words to do on her own, but not lessons teaching her the spelling rules that apply, etc. So math and spelling are so painfully boring b/c she has to sit and wait while the lesson is being taught.

And honestly, I have mixed feelings about this. On one hand I want her to know real challenge (common theme on this board, it sounds like!) on the other, learning patience with slower learners is an important life-skill too.

Thanks for your help. I will try to stop stealing this thread now! Sorry!