My son does not have to study in school yet. The first day he brings home the work he knows it. He just reviews it the day before the test and he is all As. He does not have a photgraphic memory, just a good memory.

They have made some adjustments at school but don't seem to agree to do what I think he needs. The school tried to minimize his boredom, by saying oh lots of kids say that and gifted kids just don't need to study. Well my kid loves to learn so I don't agree.

I want to help him learn to study something that is challenging. How can I do this? I think it will need to be fun or interesting. He is in 3rd Grade. From what I hear from a few parents most of 3rd graders are overwhelmed with all the spelling, science and social studies tests.

He excell in math. He has lots of interests including nature, animals, science and sports.