I had the same thoughts last year with my DD7. She just knew everything they were teaching in her school class and never had to apply herself. The teacher actually just let her do whatever she wanted, computer time, reading, etc. when she was giving the lesson to the class. We were afraid she was not "learning how to learn" like the rest of the kids. She never had to sit in a seat and have a lesson with the teacher and practice it and then do the actually work. We advocated hard for a grade acceleration which she was granted this year. This year for 3rd it also is a full-time gifted/high achiever blend class so they actually work a grade up in language arts and have an accelerated math program. I can't say she really still needs to study or anything as much as the other kids, but it is far better than where she would have been at without the grade acceleration.

I would guess what you are looking for is something where he can participate in an actually learning session or class of some sorts. Are there community classes he could take? Our comunity offers different computer courses, languages, etc. even for kids of this age.