Hi Hhugh,

Welcome to the boards. When my DD was in 1st, the teacher let her "teach" the class. She stood in front of the class and went over the morning work, calling on kids to answer, etc. Plus going around helping kids individually with seat work or reading. At first I thought it was kind of cute, but I soon realized it was developing into behavior issues as she was ostracizing herself from the rest of the class. The teacher had given her the 2nd grade math book and would meet with her individually to go over any questions she had, but she never had any "real" lessons. She also had her own spelling words. We had her tested at the midyear point and asked for her to be able to actually go into a 2nd grade classroom for reading and language arts. When the school year was coming to an end, we realized we could not put her into 2nd grade as she had finished the year with kids doing reading, language arts, and had finished the 2nd grade math book so we begged for and were finally granted an acceleration for her. It wasn't easy or pretty, but the the hard work paid off.