Originally Posted by Kathie_K
Originally Posted by JonLaw
I suppose I may be giving off the vibe of "please go away, you're interrupting me thinking about things that have nothing to do with my job."

I'm not nearly as gifted as my son, and I have that problem!

I just quit a job earlier this week (though I was an independent contractor) because my IQ was clearly getting in the way. I either had to dumb myself down considerably and stop caring or QUIT because I cannot do a job where I have to rely on others doing their job well and on time when in fact they do not and I cannot change it yet I am the one who gets blamed in the end. Long story short, In 35 years of my life, this was the first time EVER that I had to quit something because of not being able to "adjust". It only took me 3 weeks to realize it was a complete mismatch and I am happy I could recognize it this early on! My kids have their happy mommy back ... and now I can have my head full of my own thoughts! yay me! smile