Just finished all 6 parts. Though I don't live in the area I know about how tough it is to get into the desirable schools since my best friend lives in NY with her daughter. But they didn't go through what bronxmom had to endure because they moved there while her DD was in elementary school. Her DD was waitlisted for their first choice but got into another top ranked school and the next year was able to get into the school of choice.

The pressures put on these children are intense to say the least and then you have bronxmom's son who is PG with some difficulties so he doesn't fit the mold. It really saddens me how the process in NY has been allowed to be so selective that they pass up a child like your son because they fear a challenge.

But on the positive side, it sounds like homeschooling has been a great alternative ... but I do have a question and I prefix it with sorry for being naive... How are you able to homeschool if you are a single mother?


Not that I need to include this but since you brought it up ... I saw nothing wrong with showing emotions in front of your son. If I was trying to critic you from the footage all I could say is I saw a mom who was struggling with limitations; trying to find the best options for her child. A daunting task!

Last edited by Katelyn'sM om; 11/29/09 05:01 PM. Reason: forgot to add something