I first posted the OP on the tail-end of a "hot-housing" thread that discussed the recent article about coaching kids for the various entrance tests (including IQ)... but quickly realized that this didn't belong at all. So I pulled it out into a thread of its own.

The three families followed in this film didn't seem to fit in the "hot-housing" box. Instead, as someone has already said, they were simply busting their tails to make the best for their kids out of a bad (or at best, imperfect) situation. I think any parent here, there & everywhere has the same goal in mind. Thankfully, though, not everyone has to deal with the highly-competitive admissions as highlighted in the film.

I've wondered if there is some sort of bureaucratic lock-down that prevents more schools from entering the market in NYC? Seems like there are more than enough people clamoring for a quality education and who are willing to pay for it.

After seeing this, I have a totally different take on the earlier article on the same subject. Given that some schools went so far as to provide the parents with sample tests for in-home tutoring, I don't know that I would spend much time on my high-horse before tutoring my own child to compete. If I was steeped in the Land of Competition that is NYC, I would almost be doing my child a disservice by not keeping the playing field as level as possible. And if this meant placemats with practice analogies and picture absurdities, well, sign me up for the whole set.

Bronxmom, cheers to you.

Being offended is a natural consequence of leaving the house. - Fran Lebowitz