Ah - I watched the documentary, and it occurred to me that that child's mother might well be here, and ought to be here if she wasn't already :-)

FWIW I really warmed to you in watching it, and thought your DS came over as a super kid, too, albeit with some problems. I admired your honesty and clear thinking. Of course you shouldn't have cried in front of him [ETA actually subsequent posters in this thread have convinced me I'm wrong about this, which makes me feel better too] - but in that situation I'm sure I would have done too; and I remember thinking that in being aware that he was picking up on the stress, you were one step ahead of people who thought their kids were oblivious to it!

I'm sorry the gifted public school didn't work out, and hope homeschooling is going well for you both.

Last edited by ColinsMum; 11/29/09 11:07 AM.

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