Thanks to you all for your supportive words. I was half-tempted to just lay low and see what you said about this... I think I "outed" myself to avoid having to read anything more unpleasant on this subject.

I'm sure you guys can relate to having a kid you can't hide things from. The "crying" scene made me cringe when I saw it, of course, though I can assure you that it did him no harm to see me cry.

And the test-prep thing is a HUGE problem here. I understand the impulse, too, but it totally muddies the waters. I did not prep my kid at all. I was actually looking forward to the "4-year-old" tests, to get some idea of what was going on with my unusual child, so I went out of my way not to prep him.

NYC is a bizarre environment educationally, but it's a great place to home school.