That is good advice and I do plan on cutting back. Mite's teacher has cancer and is going through chemo; so, all of us are trying to make things easier for her.

But, I don't like to hang around at the school because I find myself being over-protective.

As far as having other topics, I do web design on the side and have the PTO's site as well as several other businesses in town; so, people are always talking to me about that. I also do advertsing layouts and such.

However, I do need a job and I do need to "get outta their faces". I want to balance "aware of what's going on" in there, but I'm not doing a good job of it these days. There has just been too much confusion at the school between the teacher's illness, the tornado (a little neighbor girl died and about 40 families are without homes now), and the IEP/gifted stuff for Mite. I'm not sure how much to push and how much to leave to them.

I also just don't trust them. They haven't taken care of him so far. It's hard to back out.

I'll do it though.

Willa Gayle