ok...sum up for newbies....It has been recommended by the state director of gifted education that Mite, 8, be accelerated at least a grade, should be two....etc.

well, the state has no gifted ed policies per se, so the district doesn't have to comply with state's recommendation.

Sooooooooo....Mite is in the 3rd grade gifted cluster and I had to fight to get that.

Now I want to whine. I feel like all his teachers (special ed, core and math) are hovering like vultures waiting for him to fail. Every tiny mistake (He's averaging 80% in all the classes, but every error so far has been dysgraphic/dysgraphia/visual related) is being pounced on and brought to my attention.

I'm getting soooooooooooo ticked! He's doing 5th grade math at home right now. I'm pacing him so he doesn't burn out, but he started in late August and is a little more than 1/2 way through and doing very well. We plan on starting 6th grade in Jan. But, at school they still want to put him in the low cluster because of his disability.

The principal had promised he could do a full grade exceleration in Jan if the teachers felt he was ready, but it is apparent that was a set-up. Mite's stuck in 3rd.

If they would just take into account his dyspraxia and do the interventions, I *****know**** he'd be averaging 100%. But they still give him math sheets crowded with problems and language arts sheets that have stories on the front side of the page and questions on the back. aiyeeeeee!


ok. whining off.

Willa Gayle