Originally Posted by Dandy
After a very productive meeting with the school this week, we've got a real plan!

The gist of the plan is that we will select one or two courses for DS to take in 5th grade classroom (to "test-drive the environment") and continue with on-line instruction -- IN CLASS! -- for Math & probably Language Arts. (School to pick up EPGY tab!!)

If things go well for the remainder of the 1st half of the year, he will be allowed to move to 5th full-time, while continuing any on-line work he is doing. The teacher & principal both agreed that the 5th grade is a terrific bunch of kids in every respect -- one of the best groups they've had in awhile.

We all came away with a common understanding that nothing is set in stone, and that flexibility is paramount in finding the best fit for DS.

What an unbelievable relief.
