Originally Posted by Cathy A
Have you familiarized yourself with A Nation Deceived and with the Iowa Acceleration Scale?

Familiarized? I may have memorized "A Nation Deceived"!

I will likely have order my own copy of the IAS, as our district does not seem to have it (but they are looking).

The district administered the WISC & WJ:
He's @ >99.9 across the board on WJ-III (160-175 on broad scores)
He's @ >99.9 on WISC-IV (>175 Verbal and >160 FSIQ)

He scored 90% on the end-of-year 4th grade math test, and 75% on the end-of-year 5th grade math test. Both were taken at start of 4th to justify subject acceleration into 5th.

Spelling & reading are comfortably off the charts, so I have no concerns about testing there.

For Science -- it's a rehash of last year (same text)

And for SS, while he might not know the material now, I question the necessity of 180 days to learn it... or to hold him back in general because he's yet to write the much-vaunted 12-page report on his home state.

I just got off the phone with one of the district psychologists and he said that while most likely a candidate for a grade skip, the problem will resurface in short order, in that he'll quickly exhaust the curriculum or be bored with the pace of instruction.

The folks at the district want very much to help, but have no real suggestions -- no real plan, so right now it is "leave things as they are." This is where I think that Davidson could be a big help (if accepted), but, again, that seems like an eternity of waiting.


Being offended is a natural consequence of leaving the house. - Fran Lebowitz