Originally Posted by Val
Originally Posted by Austin
Try this from my Army days:

Slow is Smooth.

Smooth is Fast.

An equivalent statement applies to getting from point A to point B when you aren't familiar with the terrain:

"The long way is usually the quick way."


In Spanish, we have to similar statements:

'Cuando el Rey tiene prisa, le dice a su mayordomo: Visteme despacio que tengo prisa'
= 'When the King is in a hurry, he says to his majordomo: Dress me slowly that I am in a hurry.'


'No hay atajo sin trabajo.' = 'There is no short-cut without (extra/hard) work'.

About homework: I live in The Netherlands and kids here do not get any homework until they are 10 and then it is just once or twice in a while.

At earlier ages the most they get is a recommendation for parents to practice a little at home.

I personally like that.

In secondary school they get quite some homework though but I do not have yet direct experience.