Originally Posted by gratified3
Originally Posted by Dandy
Nearly every mistake so far this year (only 3 weeks, but lots of work) has been due to carelessness. Frustrating.
I have a kid who is, by nature, way, way speedy. It's almost painful for him to slow himself down...
I think we could switch kids and not know the difference.

Tonight he was practicing a new scale on the piano. Naturally, he attacks it with the same top speed he uses for scales he already knows -- with the expected noisy results.

"Okay, son... if you just slow it down -- even a teeny, tiny bit -- you'll play it through without mistakes and you'll be done with that scale for tonight."


!ZOOM! (Cacophony of errors; cats dancing on the piano, etc...)


!ZOOM! (Cacophony redux ...)

"SON!!! SLOW DOWN! ..."

!ZOOM! (Ditto...)

Ad nauseum.

And either he relents, slows down & nails it... or he gets just enough practice through the above iterations... and nails it anyhow (accompanied by a very smug "Neener-neener!" on his face).

Every once in awhile, when he's not really paying attention, he accidentally slows down and is done with a given section on the 1st or 2nd attempt. When I try to point out what just occurred -- and how it might be in his best interest to duplicate this approach -- he looks at me like I'm a talking dog or something. Drives me up the flipping wall.

To his much-deserved credit, he's really improved his patience when it comes to tearing apart a new song section by section, measure by measure. Without exaggeration, it nearly brings a tear to my eye watching him methodically work through difficult passages with determination I previously thought to be impossible.

So maybe there's hope for the Speedy Gonzales gene, too.

Being offended is a natural consequence of leaving the house. - Fran Lebowitz