Originally Posted by shellymos
I posted a little about this in another forum, but DS5 just started first yesterday. Today he said the teacher gave everyone worksheets with single digit addition on it. I don't know if this was a test to see what they knew or what because he often leaves out details. But he said that he went to the teacher and asked for something harder. He then said that she threw his paper away and wrote out some double and triple digit addition while she went to print out a harder things. He said she could only find ones with up to triple digit multiplication and addition. And after he did all of them she said he got them all right. I was very impressed that she did this on day 2 and didn't make him do his worksheet. I am convinced this is because she had an evaluation on him which she did read, and she seems like a really good teacher. I hope she continues to do things like this...and that they can actually have some sort of curriculum for him. It does give me hope though, I didn't have tons of hope before especially since our school doesn't have any GT programs at all.

That's great! I'm quite impressed at how your son was able to advocate for his own needs. We were not as fortunate when DS tried to advocate for himself at school last year, so hearing stories like yours gives me hope. Maybe I'll encourage my DS to try again this year.