Oh, I feel better confused knowing that I am not the only one going through this. DD6 has been through a few weeks of school now and I am so disappointed. Like most of you, her 2nd grade work is stuff she has been able to do for at least a year, probably more, but I have a bad memory wink. Our meeting with guidance about getting her into the gt program isn't for another 2 weeks, then there will be a "transition period" into a 1 day a week pull out! The rest of the time she will be in 2nd grade doing 2nd grade work.
We have a chance to move her to the private school I work at, so we talked to the head of school and the teacher and they are not quite sure what they are going to do with her, but they are willing to try lots of different things. So, we let her visit the class today to see what she thought. I was feeling quite hopeful that this would be the solution to our problem, but DD says she doesn't want to change schools! frown She says her current teacher is more fun, and she doesn't mind doing the work everyone else is.
But in the next breath she says it would be much more interesting though at my school where she would get more challenging work when she needed it, and be able to take a "brain break" and do regular 2nd grade work with everyone else when she needed that too. crazy
I actually think she is scared of getting work that is challenging for her because she has always been able to do everything asked. (A bit of perfectionism to boot.)

Why can't people understand what these kids needs? I really feel sometimes like throwing my hands up in the air and yelling at them all. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
(Sorry, I'm just a bit frustrated and tired of it and it is only early in the year yet.)

Any ideas of how to get DD to get excited about changing schools to where she would be challenged, which is really what she wants (and needs)?