Originally Posted by ColinsMum
- given that your clever DS's maths seems to be a bit of a surprise to you, an interesting question is what else he may be able to tackle, given the chance! Is he still thriving at school? What does he think of school maths, is he being adequately challenged there, do you think? As you'll have seen, there are several threads here on online things for mathy children to enjoy, many of them free, so maybe he can explore some more while he has to be off school. (Sorry about that, btw - having a child with serious allergies must be so worrying.)

I think I will need to pay a bit more attention to what he's doing in class now, I did hear him say that they were doing algebra this term and he never complains so hope all is well - we did some more of the workbook and I've had to skip over most of it because its double digit addition, subtraction, multiplication and division and he's doing it in his head without working out. I'm making him do the first line to show he knows it because I'm thinking of taking it in to show his teacher and check a) if she knows what he is able to do and b) find out if she is working way past this and if she can tell me at what level he should be working at.

Not sure if I should do this or wait out as he is happy in class and I don't want to do the 'pushy parent' as I may need to keep that in reserve. They do have quite a lot to deal with on the allergy front with him as it is, so I don't like to make too much fuss. I guess I am a bit concerned now as at this rate he'll have finished the whole primary math curriculum by the end of this year and still has 3 years to go - what then? I guess this is the same problem everyone here has - I just didn't really understand the situation as we don't get math homework so have no idea what he is doing in that area. Do now!