Originally Posted by Dottie
Well, the craziness continues, especially without appropriate grouping. DS is currently placed in one wrong section (scheduling glitch that we'll simply have to correct!), and was shocked that half of the kids didn't even know their address. This is in 7th grade, shocked .

LOL, I asked DS5 the other day what his address was just to see if he knew it since we haven't gone over it really. He said "you mean my email address?" I said "no, your physical address like what street and town" Then he told me...including zip code. Then for fun we went through everyone elses address and phone number and cell phone numbers that he knows...and then license plates that he apparently knows. Holy cow. I have to say that I really feel for some parents that have to really work on those things. I know I have my own work cut out for me...but it is quite challenging for some to get that concept. But by 7th grade?? come on now.