
actually I was thinking to ask the teacher to introduce DD to a couple of girls from the next group that share similar interests than DD (crafts and prentend play). You are reading my mind LOL!

I think that for the letters the main barrier is her poor vision skills, but to address this problem I first have to convince her that eye exercises are not intended to 'change' her at all. She has an obvious interest in learning the letters but becames easily tired when we play with them.

Hopefully, when we are in Spain this Christmas, the psycologist will be able to help on that.

I will also look for Sesame Street (Barrio Sesamo in Spanish) in Spain as well and see if DD likes them. There are certainly SS videos (well DVDs) in Spanish, but I do not know if they have the letters. But worth to check it defititively.

If you think that DD is a handful... wait and see DS LOL!
He is certainly more independent but then I have to go after him to see where is he climbing, or which cabinet is he emptying ... When he is doing something he know he should not he is VERY silent LOL.

Coming back to DD: I asked her yesterday once more about the school and she told me that the activities she had to do were very easy when she was with the teacher, but when she had to do them alone, then she did not like them.
I think that she is given very simple things to do that do not teach anything new so she has no incentive to do them alone. Why on earth should she do something that is boring, does not give her a sense of accomplisement and on top of that she has to do it alone?
I wonder, if she would be given a task/activity which were quite difficult for her and for which she needed the help of the teacher for at least 2 or 3 times before attempting it on her own.
I am almost certain than when she starts to get it she will be willing to work alone or with a minimal interaction.

The only problems with my beautiful solution are, on one hand that this requires extra attention from the teacher (even though at least it will be not a lost of time for both) and that DD is underachieving and may resist anything that requires any effort.

Any comments on this?