Now that boths DD and DS are sleeping (fingers crossed) I can type a litte smile

I do not think that the teacher realises at all how intelligent DD is. I think she thinks DD is bright, but she obviously lacks experience with HG kids. She is very well meaning and speaks in terms of 'understanding DD' not in 'fitting in' so I am hopeful that I can educate her. The problem is that I do not know either how and why DDs mind works.

About the deepness of her pretend play, they cannot see it because they do not have so many toys and none of these figures.
Besides, when she is with other kids she lowers the complexity, or she plays one her own and everything happens in her head.

About reading: all the literature in bilingual education and all the bilingual people I know point to sequential learning to read. First in one language and then apply the process to the next. However, both DH have the gut feeling that this would not apply to DD and that she would learn all four languages at the same time. As times passes this is being confirmed. For example I have her full attention when I explain to her that each language uses the same letters but the names and the sound they make are different from one language to the other.

She does by the way have very poor eye tracking, and I start to think that this is interfering with the reading.

But maybe Texas, you are right and I should push a little with the eSpanish.
At least there I do not have accent and my grammar is impecable wink