Originally Posted by Trinity
Good Job Isa!

How did you feel?


Did you get a chance to look at her during reading and writing? Did the other children read the books or is that considered "social suicide" as my DS likes to say?

Two of the kids were actually reading, and it was not at all 'social suicide'.
But DD4 does not even know the alphabet! She is learning it in two languages though...

Can you put her in the old kid room for a trial?

I do not know, I would have to talk to the principal, but without knowing at least the letters and to count until 10 I do not think the principal is going to agree,

I just wanted to add that in the classroom she does not look bright or extra-intelligent.

Is she learning anything that you want her to learn, I mean besides "I have to be sneaking to have myself."
I wish her to learn Dutch,not just the language but the culture as well. And of course numbers and letters at least.

I think that the problem is not so much lack of new things to learn, but that she thinks very different from typical 4 yrs old kids.

For the record. I think pulling her to homeschool could be confusing, but that would probably be worth it is she isn't getting a darn thing out of school. Does she enjoy the other children?

yes and no... she does enjoy the company of the other girls and has been invited to their house a couple of times and she has invited two of them to our house. So this is ok. BUT, I can see how the pretend play of the other kids is much simpler than the one of DD. For example, she takes up to 50 little figures (warriors, princeses, animals, horses...) and organize them in a set up like a theather, with quite a story and several sub-stories and interactions btw the differents characters. I honestly do not see her classmates doing this. So at the end of the visit DD is still missing something. When she plays with the friend she simplifies her game.

Do they read aloud to the class? If so, is the level of book that they choose anywhere near appropriate? One big advantage of homeschooling in my eyes would be to read to her books that she wants to hear, and your old favorites. I read "Wrinkle in Time" to my DS at age 4 and he just loved it. I believe that's a safe way of "pushing" her in the reading direction. You certainly want her in that older class when she 'has' to be in school at 5.

The problem is that I read her in Spanish. And lately I do not have many oportunities to read because DS comes to 'play' and to 'read' ... And no, he does not sleep either. And when she leaves DD and me in peace, then he is trying to get to some interesting places like inside the chimeny or on top of the bookshelf.

Argh! I miss my mom to give me a hand.

Do they have Steiner/Waldorf schools in your area?

No that I know of. What is their philosophy?

What I like of the Montessori is the mixed age groups and that you can learn at your own pace. In theory as well...

