I think we are much more the opposite direction. DS wakes up at 5:30-6 every morning. I am not a nice person that early. He is allowed to watch TV, play quietly or read. He usually watches 2 hours of TV in the morning- only kid shows and only stuff on the DVR. Once or twice a week in the summer we'll watch a movie together. During school, he can watch one 30 min show when he gets home and that's it.

Computer- he can pretty much play educational games as much as he wants. He once spent 3 hours on Dreambox Learning. He rarely asks to play other games.

Wii/Nintendo DS- My husband is a huge gamer. We don't allow games during the school week but it's common for DS and DH to play a few hours on Saturday morning together. I have no problems with that. I credit Pokemon for my child's ability to read so voraciously! I told him I hated it and wouldn't read it to him so he insisted on teaching himself to read so he could figure it all out.