I used to be much more conscientious about limiting screen time than I am now. Sigh... T.V. isn't a problem. As has been the case with some other posters, we too don't have cable or sattelite. Mostly though, I think limiting it when they were younger did a good job at decreasing interest--although if any screen in the house is "glowing" in DS's presence he will be frozen in place, eyes glued to the screen. Other than when we have rented a movie he likes (and has to watch 5 times before returning), it doesn't really occur to him to go to the t.v.

However, in contrast to tv, both kids will spend hours at computer or wii if we let them, so we are more vigilant with those "screens". Lately I've been lax, and just kick them off when it seems like enough is enough and they aren't considering any of the millions of other things they could be doing. Also, it depends WHAT they're doing. Both kids like the interactive sites like Poptropica, Fantage (sp?), etc. While I don't exactly consider them "high quality", I've decided that they really aren't any less quality than a lot of games they could play off-screen--and the problem solving/discussion part engages their brains and gives them a common experience with a lot of peers (many of the peer experiences are not open to my kiddos, since I don't let them sit in front of Nickelodeon for hours, watch violence filled movies, etc..). I'm most likely to kick them off if they are watching videos (Star Wars Lego videos are a DS fav) or playing repetitive games for a lengthy amount of time (Webkinz, American Girl, etc..--a DD liklihood). When they were younger, I had two organizational folders under favorites menu: Mom's Stamp of Approval (math sites, build a prairie, Museum interactive sites, etc..) and Mind Candy (American Girl, NickJr, Webkinz, etc...). I was more limiting of time on mind candy, but really I think the purpose of the folders was to help them think about the activities they were choosing and try to make a distinction between them. Nothing wrong with mind candy in reasonable doses.... We do have a Saturday morning rule. Unlimited screen time (they are responsible about not straying to sites we haven't previously approved) on Saturday AMs. This means we get to sleep in while they happily enjoy the computer/movie/wii laugh It also makes the time restrictions on other days less of an issue for them. I figure it's like Saturday morning cartoons were for me as a child---get up and watch from Scooby Doo to the end of the Kroft Supershow! All things considered, I think their Saturday AM diet is healthier--sure is a lot less commercial interruption! LOL

BTW, if anyone has a DD in the 9-13 age range, check out New Moon Girls. We just joined and DD got her first magazine. Wonderful magazine and site for the late elementary/tween/pre-teen girl.