It's tough to say, and for us it depends on the day. DS5 has an educational game system that he has played a handful of times since he got it a year ago. He does like some TV shows (mostly cyberchase and wheel of fortune)...but he loves the computer. I basically let him go on for a while and then tell him that's enough and we need to do other things. On nice days he is rarely on there, sometimes not on there at all. We went on vacation for a week a while back and he had no TV or computers for a week and didn't seem to notice or ask about it. He generally would prefer other things. In fact, right now he is addicted to snap circuits which I actually have to limit time on or he will do projects all day long. It's pretty crazy. While I too don't think that computer and TV time should be earned, I do believe it is a privilege and sometimes DS loses it when he has done something unacceptable. DD2 does like to sit and watch TV, but she is easily distracted to other things and would always prefer outside, reading, or other things.

And it helps that we don't really have the TV on. We don't even turn it on until they are in bed if we do. I think what we model is definitely a factor