I think I'm a bit off the norm for this site. Wolf gets up and as long as he is quiet he can play with toys, read or watch TV on approved channels until the rest of the house is up and moving. He'll often play with toys or read with the TV as background (much like me when I did homework, so much easier to concentrate that way...). That is basically the only time the TV is on until night time and then once again it it mostly background noise for the boys, although MythBusters is a HUGE hit. Very rarely the boys will get to watch a video in the afternoons if they really need the downtime (the TV is very good at zonking them out...)

Wolf gets his Leapster in the car only. He can go online at home if he's been decent and the electronics haven't been on too much that day. He only goes to pre-approved sites, although recently he's been going to a game site I'm not too happy with, but he's only been playing the games we approve, so far so good. In fact he's been amazing DH and his friends with how good he is at some of them, better than they are and it's all reasoning skills!!!

Bear only gets computer time by watching his brother. I'll get Wolf to run Starfall.com for him. They both like it.

Every now and then they get to play MarioKart on the Wii. That becomes an addiction REALLY quickly and gets clamped down on quickly.

Basically if it's educational, done in moderation and not whined about it's fine. Whining pretty much ensures you aren't going to get whatever electronic fun that is being asked for.

We have cable because we don't get any channels if we don't. That and Mom couldn't live without Discovery, PBS and History.

Last edited by Wyldkat; 08/12/09 11:17 PM.