Thanks for the comments everyone. This board is an amazing resource and very supportive. I am still waiting on the date and time for the meeting. If I haven't heard anything by next week I will go camp out in the office till we can get one arranged.

I definiitely needed your opinions on the high acheiving and gifted comment. Honestly they haven't met my ds's needs since starting school. I was very cautious when she said it because I am not quite sure what she meant. It almost seems like she thinks he catches on quicker than other kids and understands more but wouldn't that be a postive thing? The teacher has not taught him anything at all especially since she won't offer him more than cursory work because I kept asking how and what they are teaching him.

The more I turn it around in my head the more I think they will be offering the grade skip and hoping that I won't ask for any more differentiation. We are going to embrace the grade skip if they offer it especially if I get teacher approval. I was hesitant but the more I contemplate it the more I realize they truly can't meet his needs until we can get him to more challenging work. Not sure it will be enough but better then the nothing he is getting now. I am also going to try to tap into the GATE coordinator resources. I am hoping she offers more comprehensive testing but not holding my breath.

Is there anything I am missing that I should ask for? I don't want to put me homeschooling him half days on the table yet, even though I can see this being an option in the future. I would like them to step-up and offer my son an education. I was talking to another parent about how she feels they have dumbed down expectations and how fustrated she is with it. Her daughter tried out and got on the dance team as a freshman in high school and they only expect them to keep a 2.0 average to be eligible. She was shocked and appalled at the low expectations. In our community we are told how important it is that our children do well on standardized tests so the school can get money but they don't challenge them at all because of it.

*oops* got off on a tangent. Back to my original thought. Is there anthing else I should consider asking for that I haven't thought of?