
At least three of my four children are 2e. Understanding their differences has really been a huge help to us. My feeling on labels is that they are only valid as far as they can help us to learn about ourselves and figure out ways to cope.

I have ADD, inattentive type myself, and it is not an "excuse" for me to do poorly, but a reminder that I might have to do things a little differently than others. I give myself permission to not beat myself up over my cluttered house, and I try to find methods that will help me to focus and get things done. A palm pilot was one attempt, but I couldn't remember to keep looking at the tiny calendar or to change the batteries. I kept losing all of my data! I like Sandra Boynton's Mom's Calendar, as it is big and colorful and I have a separate box for each person in the family. My life would have been much easier if I had the ADD diagnosis back when I was in school.