We have been SO wanting our DS6 to start scouting next year but the same story goes with us Lori - our DS6 has SPD and Dyspraxia and we are already seeing the issues it causes in group outings with our homeschool groups. He is a perfectionist to the nth degree and gets really upset at himself if he doesn't do something correctly the first time. We had a dad come to our door 3 days ago to sell something for scouts and we asked him some info - after he left, all I could think about was, "oh well, so much for our idea about scouts". He said in his troop the kids were required to sit still through an hour meeting once a week and show respect by sitting quietly and not disrupting anyone. That they did a lot of sports activities and relays. My little guy can not physically sit still for an hour without having some kind of sensory activitiy going on every once in awhile. He can never keep up with the other kids physically and he beats himself up emotionally because of it. When he is around a group of more than 10 kids, he gets overwhelmed sensory wise and then will have sporadic meltdowns - causing a lovely issue with friendships. We REALLY want him to do some kind of team something to help teach him how to work together with others. Wonder if we have any chance of starting a special needs scout troop :-)