Hey everybody, just posting back to state that cub scouts is going well for our ds who just turned 9 on Monday smile.
He is going for a week day camp this week and so far everything seems to be going ok. He missed the overnight camp a couple weekends back due to a virus. His allergies are bad this week, but the doc said I was not giving him a full dose anyway, so we increased it and he has been enjoying himself. Alot.
Dh was with him Monday and I went Tuesday just to make sure he was settling in ok, and they did request adult volunteers. Today and tomorrow he is on his own but I am pretty sure he will be fine now that he knows several of the kids a bit better.
The pack leader is pretty laid back and the camp really keeps things moving, there isn't a lot of boring waiting time for the kids. There is a good mix of kids, for the most part polite and fun.
Anyhow, so far so good.