Just from a distance here...

In your post here and in other threads too, I hear a HUGE amount of worry being expressed by you and a lot of feelings of overprotection. I understand those feelings initially come from a desire not to see him hurt, but they can take on a life of their own.

When you say attitude is his biggest problem, bigger than dyspraxia, what role you see yourself playing in that? Do you acknowledge he's picked up on your worries and lack of confidence that opportunities will work out for him?

In most troops camping is just one of many activities, but it sounds like ahead of time the entire potential of this experience is being boiled down to: sore feet, being molested, being teased, having headaches, falling behind, not being successful as an adult, etc. Does that view seem like a fair and accurate way to judge the potential of this experience? What does it say that the positives are not even being discussed?

So...my question is...is it possible to parent from a positive place with optimistic thoughts for your child's future when you are feeling so worried?

Last edited by passthepotatoes; 05/09/09 07:35 AM.