As long as they are able to get to a stopping point or save point there is no problem. It is when I try to tell my son that he has to get off a game immediately and he doesn't want to lose all his progress for that level that he might get a little unhappy about it.

That's exactly how it is at our house! And I fully understand, as I don't want to quit a game without saving it, either!

My DH and I are both games addicts (I don't know that he would admit it, LOL) and I really don't think DS6 is as bad as we are. He will get obsessed with something for a while, but it wanes and turns to something else soon enough. I myself have been known to devote every waking hour to a game (can anyone say "Civilization" or "Myst"?) until the obsession wears off--I haven't been that bad in quite a few years, however.

I guess what I'm saying is we just kind of let it pass on its own. He will play for two or three hours and then just put it down and go outside to do something else all of a sudden.