Oh yes, practically every day when DS6 comes home from school, I ask "how was school?" and he says "terrible"! And even though I may have been at the school that day and seen him having fun with something, it's still "terrible". He's always been a drama queen. smile

He has a really hard time fitting in with the kids in the neighborhood and at school--there are kids who seek him out to play with him, but what he remembers are the ones who tease him or say something he takes as being mean even if it wasn't intended that way. And he blows things out of proportion in his mind--he says "EVERYone in my class called me a loser!" "EVERYone in my class said I was stupid!" We're working on the hyperbole and exaggeration factors and discuss whether, in fact, every single member of his class could manage to call him a loser or stupid without the teacher noticing and putting a stop to it. Poor kid, once it's in his head, it's just that way.

He has had a Nintendo DS since he was 3, and it does help him to have something to do or to have something to talk about, as well as just being great for developing talents and coordination. He is not a coordinated kid physically, but the eye-hand coordination grows by leaps and bounds with a DS and a PS2. Unfortunately he can't take them to school!