Originally Posted by JJsMom
Originally Posted by crisc
The one that probably ticks me off the most is:

"Just let him be a kid".....

What does that even mean?????

OH!!!! I HATE this one! I'm like, hello, I did not push this child, HE did it himself (as far as reading early, wanting to stick his nose in a book all the time, etc).

I think the best response for this one is to agree.

"Oh, I SO agree about kids needing to be kids! So much of their time is overprogrammed these days. I really think it's important to let them choose what to do with their free time. My DS/DD just chooses to read/do math/conduct science experiments/etc. It's his/her passion. Well, that and bike riding/Barbies/LEGOS/digging in the mud with his fingernails/other "kid" activity."

Hard to think that you're "that mom" if you agree with them!

