Originally Posted by hkc75
"You have to remember if we accelerate him when he is 14, all his classmates will be getting driver's licenses."

Seriosly he will most likely be in college long before he is 16... And he will probably need at least one more grade skip not to mention he is already wanting to be friends with teenagers at 6.... I-Yi-Yi

What do all you say to this one?

I say: 'Yeah, it will be a drag, but we couldn't find any other way that would work even a little bit. Remember to vote 'YES' if we can ever get a referendum to build a Magnet School for Highly Gifted kids.'

Unless I'm in a 'stir-the-pot' mood, when I say:
'Yeah, but at least I don't have to worry about those phone calls we used to get from other parents saying that my son ruined their child's childhood by explaining to them about (fill in the blank: Santa, Where Babies Come From, The Economy!)

Sadly - you will hear this many many more times.

Another favorite is: ((Picture this with Mel Brooks or Billy Crystal doing his Yiddish Accent, or it makes no sence!))
"From your mouth to G-d's ears, that should be the biggest problem he ever has!"

Love and More Love,

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