Along these lines, I had an interesting experience at the EXPLORE test center school, as I waited for MrWiggly to come out. Another mom, whom I had never met as this was in a school district far from our home, started chatting with me. Turns out her 5th grade son was taking the test. She commented that her 3rd grade son was invited but she felt he "was just too young for this kind of stuff." She then asked about my child and looked a little sheepish when I said he was in 3rd grade and excited about taking the test. It got even better (or worse?) when the conversation continued and she asked if my son was 9 yet. I should have just said yes. Her jaw dropped when I said "actually he's still 7. He skipped kindergarten."

For a moment I actually felt guilty that I had brought him to the EXPLORE test at all.......but only for a moment wink