Good thoughts, delbows. My son is very rule-oriented, so "laying down the law" about what's acceptable and what isn't is smart. I'll steal that, thanks!

I'm also glad to hear that sensitive DS may simply mature into his sensitivity, given the appropriate parental guidance. That helps me lots! smile

And, Trinity, my suicidal thoughts were extremely limited and were never full-blown tendencies. A mental exercise only, and only in that one situation. Perfectionism run amuck. I just couldn't imagine myself being at all if I wasn't the "perfect" straight-A student. Sad. You're right that getting a C in grade school would probably have been doggone good for me! As I hope not getting everything right all the time will be for DS.

Assuming I can keep ahead of him, of course, so that I can give him something hard! He's racing through the work I planned for him like I can't believe. As I am an English-type person, I wonder how soon it will be before he's beyond me in math! Not long, I fear. Argh!

More to fear, but altogether different! smile
