There really isn�t anything that I can add to your comments here, as you all have so eloquently expressed what most of us hope for and worry about! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings here.


Extreme sensitivity is quite common in very gifted children and may be most noticeable in gifted boys (as compared to other boys). My son is also very sensitive. This issue was definitely amplified when he was younger. He has learned to recognize this sensitivity in himself now, which helps him to more objectively evaluate his initial internal response to a situation, and then adjust his outward reaction based on this self awareness.

We do not allow him to gripe about coaches, teammates, teachers or classmates until we are in private. We often lead him to the conclusion that his perceived �slights� and �injustices� are not as severe or malicious as he believes and are often unintentional. In some cases, his conclusions are correct, however, he is not allowed to confront (a teacher) regarding mistreatment. These parameters seem to work well for him. He knows we will not dismiss his feelings, yet he must wait to vent until we are alone.