Have you had an 'assessment' done on your daughter? Is there a professional around that you trust enough to get advice from? Is you daughter unhappy with school in other ways? Does she show 'perfectionistic behaviors' at home?

Have you considered homeschooling or changing schools?

Just Hypothetically, How would you feel if you went to the teacher, and the teacher told you: 'Your daughter needs to learn to obey me and do the homework no matter if she feels it is beneath her or not. I am the teacher and I know what is right for 2nd graders. This is the work that all 2nd graders need to be doing. If she doesn't like it, she has a problem with athority, and you had better make her do it, or she will always have a problem with athority. Besides, real life is sometimes boring, so learning to deal with being bored is a valuable life skill.'

I have not idea why I'm asking you this, but I'd love to hear your answer...

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