Why are you very opposed to a grade skip?

Have you read "A Nation Deceived"? http://www.accelerationinstitute.org/Nation_Deceived/Default.aspx

I'd recommend it if you haven't. You may still decide not to grade skip--we chose homeschooling instead, and that has been a good solution in our particular case--but I always want people to make decisions based on evidence, not on urban myth.

There's a lot of wrong stuff out there about grade skipping. It is one valid and useful option for GT kids. If you haven't already, I strongly recommend that you read the research before you dismiss a potentially useful solution out of hand.

There are plenty of other options we could discuss: advocacy techniques to use with the teacher/principal, when and how to escalate things to mediation/lawsuit, changing schools, homeschooling, etc. But I think we need to start with why you reject grade skipping so completely.
