Oh sad today. School started. DS4 will be fine - he's still little and will enjoy the play-based year (Prep - our equivalent of K?). But I left DS6 sitting on the floor with the other grade ones looking so alone. He was happy enough to see the other boys - he likes them and they like him - he's a social introvert too Kriston. But the way they interact is so different, and he wasn't involved. And this after a harrowing end to last week while we agonised over whether to accept a place for DS6 at the GT school even though they couldn't fit DS4. In the end the logistics were too hard, and would have involved DS4 being alone in a before and after-school care situation that I don't like. This way we can look into getting someone to mind them at home after school, and they're so happy that they haven't been split up.

But I'm so worried that I feel like spending the morning crying. I've asked that he be in a 1/2 class, and have already had "the talk" from the deputy about acceleration damaging social development.

Yes, he's really special. And I'm really sad.

Perhaps I can drown my sorrows in housework...