I have a six year old who I suspect is profoundly gifted. He is in first grade and although the teacher is really nice he hasn't learned a thing. I have tried to get her to challenge him but other than having him tested for a once a week gifted program which takes months to test into she has done nothing. I feel like the school is failing my child. I think it really hit me when a few weeks ago he came home from school saying that he didn't like it because the teacher keeps repeating things he already knows. He likes his teacher and he has friends but he has still been labeled the smart kid. I keep thinking to myself that I have a kid who could truly find the cure for cancer or become president of the United States (although I don't know how intelligent anyone would be to want that job)...and no one cares. When I talk to the school I feel like I'm being snobby. I get looks like "whatever." They have acknowledged his intellegence but don't care about making sure he learns. I feel like I'm fighting an uphill battle. I watched the TV show Intervention a couple months ago and saw a man on there who had a 180 IQ but had become a druggie and male prostitute because he was so tormented and unchallenged at school. That terrified me and I think I cried for an hour after that show. I guess I just needed to vent...