Originally Posted by newtothis
Trinity, you are right...we are kind of nuts to be second-guessing ourselves right now about the hypothesis that he is bored -

((Humor alert))
The first step to overcoming a problem is admiting that you have a problem, so good for you for taking that step.

Will homeschooling be a major problem? I hope it works out for you, or that you can find a place to keep him that works better for him. Look at the money you will be saving to avoid having to send him to private school, or homeschooling, because your district has a good program. smile

It's not your fault that you are tied up in knots. You have every reason to expect to have a normal child that a well run school would be able to accomidate. There is a bit of a grieving process to go through, similar to what parents of disabled kids have to go through. But in this case, it's not that you have to grieve that your child isn't what expected, it's that you have to grieve that your social network isn't as full and useful as you expected.

Parenting your child is going to bring you into a new relationship with Experts and I don't mean that you won't have any experts to rely on, just that YOU will have to pick and choose and be skeptical and informed. Even if you thought you were already savy, this opens up a whole new level. I wish there was a ritual, to mark the transition. S'mores any one?

Love and More Love,

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