Congrats on the testing - both getting it done and getting the scores he did!

I certainly echo what Trinity said regarding the ADHD. When we had our son tested we asked the psychologist to look for ADHD. It really is just a questionnaire - one for a teacher and one for parents. The diagnosis is pretty much made by interview and observation. No standardized test or anything. DH and I didn't think our son had it, but wanted the "ruled out" part on son's report OR to know that he did in fact show signs of it.
Turned out it was "ruled out" which has helped us to work with the school and stop anyone from suggesting that this is the problem.

For the record, I took Trinity's advice last November and observed my son in his math class. I went because he was already telling me he hated the class and didn't want to go to first grade. He was the ONLY kid in the class who was looking antsy. In his chair, out of his chair, in his chair, sitting on his legs, sprawling on the top of the desk, up behind his desk spinning with arms out like an airplane, walking circles behind his desk, sitting again for a moment...you get the point. Why was he acting like this? He was bored. He had finished the "class guided practice" and the teacher was still directing the other kids on problem number 4. He is now twice accelerated in math and guess what? No more ADHD-like behaviors in math! His most recent mid-term progress report had NO behaviors marked as needing improvement!

Now, your child may very well indeed have ADHD. I don't know him. But I agree with Trin. Wait and see what happens AFTER you've met his academic/intellectual needs at school.
Best of luck and congrats again!