Well, unfortunately I can't answer the question for you. It's a tough one that I went through this year as well. We started the year with a play-based non-structured program. He loved aspects of it, but there truly were no limits and he acted out a lot. He actually was kicked out by the program director (they were understaffed, and she didn't want to deal with anything). Then we went to a play-based program that had less children, more structure and limits and he did well there with behavior, but had no challenges at all and he is not really one of those kids that likes to play with legos or toys so that wasn't really his thing (but he loved the gym to play and jump in), and now we just started Montessori last week. In retrospect I should have started with this first as I did know it was the best, but it wasn't the most convenient and it was the most expensive, etc. Those manipulatives are made for him, plus they go outside every day even in the snow so he really likes that. So we love the montessori school he is at now. We really did like his last structured play-based preschool too...but it wasn't the best fit for him. His teacher really liked him and was amazed by him. She tried to do some things at his level and worked individually with him, but she said she could tell that times during circle time and other times it was just so below his level that he would get really antsy and start being silly. I think it would be a good fit for some gifted children. It's a tough decision I know, I guess what you need to ask yourself is what your goal of preschool is for your DD, and what place you feel would best meet that goal. From your post it sounds like you liked the Montessori the best, but liked some of the toys and play areas at the other places. I will agree that they look more like a typical preschool than Montessori does. Anyhow, hope that is somewhat helpful.