Generally I lurk but have gained great insight from this board. Dottie has been an amazing resource.

We had a meeting with DS(now 8!)'s teacher 2 Fridays ago and then I met with the principal on Wednesday. I have to say I am super surprised at their reaction to DS's CTY scores and his newly documented ability. The principal is dedicated to seeing DS "soar". They are giving him the next grade level benchmarks. We are awaiting his November CogAt and ITBS scores. The principal is going to schedule a meeting with us, his teacher, a few 3rd grader teachers, the GT teacher, and the instructional coach to work as a team what is best for him. We discussed immediately placing him in 3rd grade or waiting and having him skip 3rd and enter 4th in the fall. If he gets the GT label, it opens a lot more doors for him, as far a resources go.

I am also mulling over what is best for him. He knows what's going on because he asked me why he is taking all of these 3rd grade tests. I told him the truth, that as a team, the school and we his parents, were trying to discover where he "fits" best. He was excited about the potential move. When he asked his CTY test results I was honest. He told his sister, "Don't mess with me I have a 4th grade mind!". Mind you, his sister is in 4th grade.

On my mind is the fear that we are burning daylight and I am anxious for some sort of resolution. I know these things take time but man! I am anxious. feels good to write this out. I have acknowledged what my worries are. Now we wait. Did I mention that patience is NOT one of my virtues? Hmmm.