I'm definitely a lurker, trying to decide when to really join in! smile I think I'm still trying to break out of the denial shell. My DS6 was tested on Dec. 31st with the WPPSI. He tested 99.7 percentile on the verbal category and 99.5 percentile in the non-verbal category. We are supposed to get the full results this week. But I guess that makes him gifted? Maybe his reading the first three Harry Potter books on his own before entering Kindergarten should be a clue for me?! Ha ha!

We have our first meeting set up with the school tomorrow (with the principal and DS's Kindergarten teacher). I'm a bit nervous about how it will all turn out. But I'm so thankful that I've been able to glean so much from you all about how to approach the school, different options, pitfalls to avoid, etc. You all have been an incredible resource! And I so appreciate how cordial everyone is! Thank you, thank you, thank you!