OK... Here I go. Life has been very stressful the past week. The school is currently testing my DS6, They called last Friday to ask if they could extend the testing another 2 weeks. I have been waiting since October.

The company my DH works for wants promote him. My husband works from home and travels ocasionly. The company is trying to reduce employees slightly, to save money in today's economy. If he doesn't take the position, we're afraid he will be let go. If he does take the position, it will mean he will have to be at the company 3 weeks in row and home 3 weeks in a row. We live in New England the company is in Nevada. The company he works for is, his dream come true job.

I am concerned with how the kids will handle Dad being gone 50% of the time. Heck, how I'm going to handle it. frown

Thanks for letting me vent.

Last edited by Tall boys; 01/15/09 01:17 PM.