ITA with Neato, Momma22 -- stick around and pretty soon you'll be regaling n00bs with the lingo. smile Also know that parents are the best identifiers of giftedness -- not teachers or schools; there was study done (I'm sorry I can't give a specific citation) which put out an ad in a paper for parents of young kids, saying if they thought their child may be gifted, they should bring them in for free testing. Turns out something like 90% of them were gifted in at least one area. So parents are good identifiers, and in fact usually *underestimate* their gifted children.

Which leads to your dh ... well, my ex-h/ds's dad says there's no such thing as gifted and that ds6 is just "well-parented." Well, congrats, ex-h, on parenting the child to 99.9th percentile all around -- what an amazing parent! (Ex-h is just a *little,* umm, self-confident ... crazy) ...

S-T ... gonna leave us hanging, huh? smile
