First, I have gotten so much out of this forum since I discovered it. I have learned a lot - thank you to everyone who contributes.

To answer your question, I have a LOT on my mind these days which is causing me to lose a lot of sleep.

I don't post much because I'm not sure how well DD8 fits in here and my job as an adjunct is consuming at times. We can't figure out what to do with her. The school considers her to be MG. Her CogAT scores are some of the higher ones they've seen, but they're not out of this world. But we seem to have a lot of issues that the other families I know at school don't have. She's very unhappy at school because she learns very little, and I think I've gone as far as I can with the school. We have decided to have her tested because we want to know more about her but will have to wait until late March. In the meantime, 2nd grade was clearly the wrong place for her this year and differentiation doesn't fix that. She doesn't think things will ever get better. I don't know if I want to fight the acceleration battle again next year as she is very, very small and doesn't have good social skills. I also just found out this week that she may have an underlying medical problem contributing to poor growth, so that is something else I get to worry about, too. My head is beginning to really hurt from banging it on the wall...

Then I have Miss Intensity, DD5. Right now, she is in the perfect place at PK5 with a teacher that gets her and challenges her - a complete 180 from last year's disaster. I decided on 1/2 day K for next year (and maybe skip 1st) but am now second guessing my decision as I am afraid of what the public school will do to her. Maybe I'll have a better idea after we make decisions about her sister.